Pauper’s affidavit

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If you’ve been following the news lately, you might have heard about a new trend called pauper’s affidavit. Basically, this is a document that is filed by someone who can’t afford to hire a lawyer to handle their legal case. Instead, they sign the document and give their attorney rights to the case – if they win, the courts will award the lawyer fees and costs. While this might seem like a risky decision, it’s actually becoming increasingly popular. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider filing a pauper’s affidavit.

What is a pauper’s affidavit?

A pauper’s affidavit is a written statement made by an individual who cannot afford to pay the filing fee for a lawsuit. The affidavit must be signed by the individual and notarized. The individual must also provide supporting documentation to prove that he or she is unable to pay the filing fee.

How to file a pauper’s affidavit?

The pauper’s affidavit is a legal document that needs to be filed in order to qualify for a free trial period or for exemption from taxation. You cannot file an affidavit yourself unless you are a citizen of the United States, and are the legal owner of your land. If you do not have a lawyer, you can contact your local IRS office. If you are unsure of what constitutes a pauper’s affidavit, the IRS website has a link to a free PDF manual on filing one.

What information is required in a pauper’s affidavit?

To file a pauper’s affidavit, you will need to gather the following information: 

  • Your full name, 
  • Date of birth, 
  • Place of birth, 
  • Residence address or the document that shows your address (example: utility bill, lease, or passport)
  • Identification card,
  • Occupation,
  • The document that shows your income (examples: pay stubs, W-2 form, or recent salary statement)
  • Marital status, 
  • Number of dependents,
  • The amount of money you have in the bank.

Who can file a pauper’s affidavit?

A pauper’s affidavit is a document that can be filed in order to establish proof of financial inability to pay court costs or legal fees. This document must be signed by the person filing it and should include information such as income, expenses, debts, and assets. Additionally, the signature should not have been forged or obtained through false pretenses.

The purpose of a pauper’s affidavit is to reduce the amount of money that must be paid out in taxes or child support payments.

The benefits of filing a pauper’s affidavit

If you’re sued, a court will often issue an attachment (an order to hold a property) or garnishment (order the state or federal government to collect money from a person’s wages or bank account).

Paupers’ affidavits say that the defendant doesn’t have enough money to pay the court. They allow the court to give the defendant more time to pay, even if the defendant is already being punished for a crime such as skipping court dates.

In most cases, the defendant can’t afford an attorney. So he or she files a pauper’s affidavit and asks the court to appoint an attorney instead.

The process is different depending on the type of court. But generally, you’ll fill out an affidavit and mail it to the court. You can also file the affidavit online.

Your local clerk of court can tell you which courts handle the affidavit and how to find the court that will handle your case.

Pauper’s affidavit from Georgia Department of Driver Services:

pauper’s affidavit


The pauper’s affidavit is a powerful tool that can be used to help those in need. It is important to remember, however, that the affidavit is only one part of the equation. The other part is the court’s decision. If the court decides not to hear the case, then the pauper’s affidavit will not help.

Author Profile

Scarlet Priston
Scarlet Priston